The Truth Behind The Swedish Success Story

The Social Democrats ruled Sweden from 1932 to 1976, 1982-1991, 1994-2006 and are again in government since 2014. In several elections in the 20th century, the party received more than 50% of the vote and a number of votes below 30% has always been considered a disaster by party members. The Social Democrats claim that …

Reading the Koran to understand how Muslims think

The Koran (Quran) is virtually impossible to understand if you read it just like any other book. It makes it a lot easier to take advantage of what other Westerners have come up with through hard work. American Bill Warner is a man who has made it his mission to educate anyone that might be …

Abolish Feminism!

I recently read an article in a Swedish blog critical of society that claimed that it was high time to repeal the law that says Sweden should be multicultural and put Swedish values first once again. In a comment I wrote that I thought it was a good idea but that the first thing to …

The Multicultural Experiment in Sweden

45 years after the famous decision was made in the Swedish Parliament (1974) that Sweden would henceforth be a multicultural society without any requirement for assimilation of immigrants, it is easy to say that there are two cultures (religious groups) in the world that when they move to another cultural sphere requires special treatment and …