Category Archives: Feminism
Regarding alleged obstacles to the expulsion of Islamists from Sweden
Recently, six radical imams were released after being detained on the Swedish Security Police’s order because they are considered a real and permanent threat to Sweden’s national security. The reason why they were released is stated to be that they cannot be deported to their home countries because they could be ill-treated there and that …
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Abolish Feminism!
I recently read an article in a Swedish blog critical of society that claimed that it was high time to repeal the law that says Sweden should be multicultural and put Swedish values first once again. In a comment I wrote that I thought it was a good idea but that the first thing to …
Brave New Feminist World
Feminists (of both sexes) are unable to compete on equal terms with men in a variety of areas and therefore resort to dirty tricks to pull men down to their own level. But what feminists do not know (or don’t want to admit) is that men’s and women’s genetic coding differs a lot from each …
Feminism – a threat to Western society
Early in the development of man, children became a prerequisite for the tribe’s survival and had to be protected and trained throughout their long growing-up period in order to become useful resources for the common good. This upbringing task was quite demanding and forced a specialisation where the female’s physical and mental characteristics were adapted …